About me


I am Laura and I am an Italian Science Communicator and a Populariser in the fields of Geology and Earth Sciences.

After earning my PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Padua (Italy), I worked for several years as researcher in the geological/geophysical field. Then, I decided to continue my studies and to deepen my knowledge in communication. For this reason, I like talking about science through events, articles, multimedia, and institutional communication.

At the moment I work as a Science Communicator at SISSA Medialab, an Italian company located in Trieste. Before that I worked in the organisation of the Science in the City Festival, which was part of ESOF2020, then I became Communication Officer of the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua and author for OggiScienza, an Italian online science magazine. To know more about what I do, check out my portfolio (in Italian).

Exhibitions and events

Corporate communication

European Projects

Activities and workshops for schools

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Contact me! I'll get back to you as soon as possible


Some of my work – mainly in Italian (update: August 2022)


Trieste, Italy
info [at] laurabusato.com

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